best midi sound module / expander / synth with voice control for keyboard, wind controller, breath controller, Akai EWI,
EWI5000, EWI4000s, EWI USB, Softwind Synthophone, Yamaha WX5, WX7, WX11, Aodyo Sylphyo, MIDI-FLUTES, MIDI guitar and almost every possible
MIDI controller
perfect for use in recording studios, on live gigs, concert performance, stage, theater, show, jazz, pop, classical music, film composition and more ...
- designed by Ingo Scherzinger -
With the latest update 2.0.0 RC13.6 the Sylphyo can be used as a fully working MIDI controller with
bi-directional pitchbending from the slider.
All special bending techniques as seen here are possible now with the Sylphyo:
Further information and instructions on how to be able to put your little fingers in natural positions, get the full set
of saxophone fingerings (except Bb bis) from low D up to high C# working can be found in the support tab . . .
Click onto the picture for more details:
(click picture for demo)
The XO-view is shipping now!
All new XO-mini & XO-view orders are shipping with this stand version now.
No more issues with non working wireless MIDI on stage!
Now you can wear your XO-mini & XO-view directly on your body with a belt clip - transmitting stereo audio
in the 5.8 GHz range instead of the error prone wireless MIDI in the overcrowded 2.4 GHz band.
Power comes from a small 5V / 3A power bank and is lasting 2 to 2 1/2 hours with this particular battery.
(WARNING: Not all power banks work ! ! ! )
For stereo audio transmission a wireless inEar system (5.8 GHz) with 5.5 ms latency is being used here.
Patches can be switched with MIDI program changes or the key remote that also allows patch favorites and direct
patch number input. All of this without having to take your hands off your EWI.
New Version of the XO-mini & XO-view stand with belt clip